more we think it about, it is like NEO discovering the binary codes in the Matrix...

Hi group! I am Prof. Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez, Biologist, Ph.D.

I want to help humankind since my childhood, now it is near my 50's that I can finally do it! Together with the global non profit Egura Project (water & energy from seawater and sunlight) that is unstoppable now, thanks to my Egura Team

I started later, after the one of Egura, the Easy Healthy Cells Project with the #BioEcOrganic label to help you get better health always, and you helping me to help the humankind again with some blogs, books, researches, and social networks posts.


Follow us at @BioEcOrganic at Instagram to get better chances for healthy cells and organs in your sacred human body! it is easy: eat all you can from Eco Bio Organic (no pesticides!) origin! Avoid food with natural presence of heavy metals, or anti nature presence of hormones, antibiotics + supply your cells with best vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants from Eco Bio Organic origin! Write me at and it will be my pleasure to help you and your family with scientific evidence, for free! I only want to perform a huge experiment involving fishes (vertebrate model) and exposed to pesticides + electromagnetic pollution (different degrees and combinations: TV, phone, wifi, Bluetooth, radio, X rays, gamma, electric fields, etc.) in a ECOTOXICOLOGY GLOBAL ESSAY to determine the possible role of actual 'nutrition' behaviour together with actual reality of being surrounded by maybe too much electromagnetic pollution!

Our hypotheses are:

i) There are more probabilities for cell's membranes permeability to transport more or less water, gases, nutrients, pesticides molecules, heavy metals?

ii) There are more probabilities of producing free radicals leading to oxidative stress in our cells, organs thus creating organic failure at glands tissues, brain or heart tissues, endothelium of blood vessels, skin or dermal tissues, bone tissues, kidneys, liver, intestine, lungs?

iii) Are there really, the genes for cancer or autoimmune, e.g.? or there are genotypes in people with more or less expression of genes decoding antioxidant molecules like enzymes SOD or Glutathione? so, people exposed to environmental triggers (pesticides, heavy metals, e.g.: oxidative stress killing DNA, membranes, organelles, cells, tissues) and with less expression of these SOD genes or Glutathione genes, among other human cell's natural own produced antioxidants develop more chances, or can not cope with, for having cancer or autoimmune cases, depending of the age, metabolic rate of a given organ or gland, and randomly dispersion of pollutants trough our bodies (skin, air, food, water) using circulatory system or cell to cell path?

More and more we think it about, it is like NEO discovering the binary codes in the Matrix...

We got something here people... I just have to say it... long and happy life is possible, and cheaper than ultra expensive medicines and drugs...

I am writing a book, cheapest I can offer it at Amazon as an eBook audio book, soon...

Meanwhile just help me to gather funds for my investigation at Navarre, Spain, with the little fishes that will sacrifice for us!

Please, enter in my page of Nutrilite and sing up as explained to get your family protected and informed of all issues regarding a good healthy cell system, easily!



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