Danke Frau Angela #Merkel, we Can avoid Covid and survive Covid! Faith.

I mean slow down the rates of infection as well of the rates of mortality.

For us, vast majority of health issues could be controlled by our cheap and easy approach we offer for free to the Planet!

We called #BioEcOrganic, a #BioTherapy towards an #EasyHealthyCells approach.

It is all about Oxidative Stress in all our Cells and tissues then organs and systems of our precious body.

Rapidly, Who is less affected when infected? Kids or adults?
Why are kids stronger? 
They have spent less time in polluted Planet so they could get less Oxidative Stress (OS) in their Cells.

There are hundreds of different factors to explain all this but we got no time for demonstrate how much one knows about.

Focus on this OS, is commom feature of all living organism on Earth since Life begun.

It is about free radicals (reactive species of O and N) destroying DNA, cell's membranes, enzymes and organelles. This OS destroy one single cell, be totally or partially destroyed (lysis!) and a Chain reaction could start affecting all neighborg Cells on that tissue of that organ! Ramdomly.

Think on any health issue.


It is linked to an organ, gland or enzyme?

OS is present in a vast majority of illness and diseases.

What are the sources for OS?

Water Stress, bad or poor hydration, here are linked salt stress, sugar stress of modern diet.
Oxigenic Stress, poor air quality, respiratory infections,  failure of lungs tissues and Cells because of smoking cigarettes or breathing smoke from wood cooking, polluted cities.. e.g.
Chemical stress, that is pesticides, heavy metals, hydrocarbons from petrochemical, in the Air, food, water, textiles 

So, OS plus poor nutrition, in polluted cities, of adults smoking past or present habits, Plus the genetic background of oneself antioxidants machinery: SOD's or gluthatione based enzymes e.g. that in normal, not over stressed Cells, function controls and neutralize free radicals from OS caused by pollution and the list mentioned above.

So, Greta Thunberg, was 5% right. She and her generation took our attention on climate change acellerated by human activities. I substain they Scrap the tip of the iceberg only!
Is not only climate, that have been pendulating since the creation on the atmosphere.
It is the pollution and health incidence! Not only climate.

What could happen if we help our body equilibrium, by eating well (@Bioecorganic! good), drinking safe water, breathing better in less polluted ambients WITHOUT NOx's nor nanoparticles*, smoking less, drinking less alcohol, eating WITHOUT large quantities of sugar and salts. Etcétera!

Our defense systems (White Cells+ own defensive molecules of every cell type) would be less busy fixing induced ( by ourselves!) OS in many organs and millions of Cells of our precious body systems.

Follow grosso modo these logical treatments for both prophylactis (preventive) and clinical shock care to infected (or ill person from any health condition) patients. These Quadruple treatment is only recommended additionally to the principal treatment and medical doctors protocols for covid19 or any other health issues.

 Think more treatments for The BioEcOrganic BioTherapy of EHCP by LEA Foundation & A6 Labs. Send it to a6labs@gmail.com
Sincerely yours
Auf widersen

Biologist Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez, Ph.D.


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