BioTherapy & EHCP Elguezabal et al., before 2030 Project
This is a resumed text for any Health Research in Europe
(we encourage any scientific team on the planet to carry out such an obvious and easy treatment)
Point (iii) is a broad chance to treat many health issues
Scientific abstract
The Research Line that we want to develop is a triple investigation from: i) an experimental set of Ecotoxicology tests using vertebrate models of + common pesticides + common electromagnetic fields; ii) a theoretical approach using mathematical modeling of all hazards involved with oxidative stress causing cell damages; iii) applied research based on Children Cancer Centers, adding our #BioTherapy based on antioxidant diets, baths, and intravenous organic antioxidants injections. The hypothesis is, thus, that the vast majority of health conditions rely on cell performances, and there is a basic well-known response to understand cell failure, then tissular failure, and ultimately organ and systemic failure: oxidative stress (OS).
Caused by reactive species like reactivates Oxygen or Nitrogen, OS is an evolutionary trait conserved in all cell types and all living or extinct organisms. It is a common chemical language in which cell physiology, and then tissues, organs, systems, and individual physiology could trigger major health conditions linked to the performances of cells at organs, glands, at any age, gender, race, or economic condition.
Cáncer and neurodegenerative diseases may all be linked to OS. Biotherapy EHCP+@bioecorganic could rely on organic sources of nutrients, on minerals, and antioxidants in diets, baths, and intravenous organic antioxidant injections.
The hypothesis is, thus, that the vast majority of health conditions rely on cell performances, and there is a basic well-known response to OS enhancement in modern times.
OS is believed to be exacerbated these days cause of massive environmental pollution, non-only chemical but electromagnetic increased fields surrounding us.
Pesticides, petrochemicals, dioxins, heavy metals, and dozens of different groups of chemical hazards are in the water, food, textiles, air, and soil, and could be entering our bodies in several ways, like oral, dermal, breathing, causing chemical stress leading to OS that concentrate free radicals that destroy cell membranes, DNA, organelles, enzymes, e.g.
We sustain that increased electromagnetic fields around are meant to increase the probability for 'bad molecules' of entering the cells towards the cytoplasm and nucleus, e.g., through the affected permeability of cell membranes, affecting the cell functions.
A proposal description
Translational triple research to investigate i) the role of electromagnetic fields on Oxidative Stress enhancement, ii) to configure a new mathematical model, and iii) proposing a new #Biotherapy.
Lay summary
Our hypothesis is that a vast majority of health conditions could rely on cell failure caused by environmental pollution, which includes the air, water, food, and textiles with traces of hundreds of different harmful chemicals, but also electromagnetic modern exposures in today's cities.
Besides, there is an important number of personal behaviors such as smoking, alcohol drinking, sedentarism, and bad hydration habits, e.g.
We sustain that pollution plus these bad habits increase the Oxidative Stress occurrence inside every cell of all of our body systems.
We want to carry out a triple-phase study: i) an ecotoxicology test with fishes (vertebrate model) exposed to main pesticides plus a main electromagnetic source of today's life; ii) a mathematical model to discover the probabilities of every cell type of the human body to develop OS under every environmental pollutant exposure; iii) an applied Biotherapy of antioxidants (diet, baths, supplements, injections) within a Pediatric Cancer Center at Cumaná, Venezuela.
State of the art
Cancer researchers have focused on treatments like radiotherapy since circa 1900 with Rontgen discoveries (Gianfaldoni et al., 2017), chemotherapy since 1955 (DeVita & Chu, 2008), and then immunotherapy which started officially in 1957 with the discovery of interferon by Isaacs & Lindemann (Decker et al., 2017).
Dr. Copur (2019) has recently stated in a global review that appeared in Oncology Journal, volume 33, titled 'State of Cancer Research Around the Globe' that: " single country can successfully fight this global public health problem (cancer) on its own. Science is collaborative in nature and international in scope. To effectively improve treatments and identify cures, it is essential to fund the most promising research from all corners of the globe. Translational cancer research covers the continuum of research, including basic, preclinical, early clinical, late clinical, and outcomes research. Basic/preclinical research serves as the foundation for early clinical research, bridging the gap between science and practice."
Our proposal suggests that an integrated Translational approach can be constructed to tackle cancer (neurodegenerative illnesses, and other cellular-based health issues: almost all?) spreading through new societies adopting the industrial way of life.
Our team sustains that the scientific community should invest more effort in the research on the causes triggering all types of cancer and cells' health, and at the same time create novel therapies, less invasive and more affordable to many more people regardless of their economic income. For this, we are setting 3 phases of Research:
i) Ecotoxicology essays with vertebrate models (fishes) exposed to common pesticides in the biosphere, food, air, water, and under the added electromagnetic pool, just the exact environment that humans are facing in urban areas worldwide; here we want to study the potential of different electromagnetic fields sources, over time and intensity, on a suggested increased cellular Oxidative Stress via membrane permeability effects of these energetic fields, deregulating the balances of pollutants (only 3 common pesticides! from hundreds... omG.
ii) Mathematical probabilistic models to diagnose and prevent risks of increased OS on every cellular type (tissues) of the human body for the majority of chemical pollutants available in the modern biosphere like pesticides, toxins, heavy metals, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, among others. All are based on physics-chemical properties of tissues, pollutants, their theoretical affinities, the size, molecular weight, electronegativity, concentration, and MRLs (Maximum, Residues Leves permitted by WHO, FAO, Codex Alimentarius) for food, air, water, and textiles.
iii) Applying a new additional 'BioTherapy' designed for cancer pediatric patients, based on a) an innocuous pool of daily oral supplements (glutathione, vitamin C & E, minerals, amino acids) from the biologic origin (without pesticides residues); b) a daily organic balanced diet, rich in antioxidants from edible plants of each region under study; c) a dermal antioxidant treatment relying on weekly baths with plants extracts, and d) intravenous treatment with monthly organic origin glutathione and vitamin C injections: all these actions will be added and adapted to the regular therapy the children would be receiving (chemo, radio or immune therapies).
Our first hypothesis is to recall the classical Free Radicals theory of Harmann (1956) which led to Oxidative Stress (OS) as the source of a majority of health conditions, including cancer.
Ghezzi (2017) has declared that "if even the theory that oxidative stress (OS) is the root of several diseases, yet no antioxidant has been recommended or offered by healthcare systems neither has any been approved as therapy by regulatory agencies that base their decisions on evidence-based medicine... ... despite many preclinical and clinical studies indicating a beneficial effect of antioxidants in many disease conditions, randomized clinical trials 'have failed' to provide the evidence of efficacy required for drug approval."
Preliminary data
Ghezzi (2017) has been very severe in denying any antioxidant therapy or drug approval by regulatory agencies but using his words, it would be of more 'common sense' to try again multiple translational research to prove if OS is causing a majority of diseases, and if new therapies could bring to balance this unbalanced human cells levels of free radicals like Reactive Species of Oxygen and Nitrogen (caused by chemical and/or electromagnetic interactions within the cell membrane and cytoplasm) which are 'destroying every cell compartment or molecule it gets contact with, like organelles, DNA, RNA, membrane, enzymes, ribosomes, pigments, e.g.; OS is a common feature of every cell of every living organism on Earth, from bacteria to whales.
It is a matter of cellular homeostasis because the same nature of these biological blocks has provided endogenous artillery of regulatory biomolecules to control the free radicals floating and drifting in aqueous cytoplasms, nucleoplasms, or mitochondrial matrix e.g.
We refer to the well-known Super Oxidase Dismutases -SODs- (Matés, 2000) and glutathione (Pham-Huy et al., 2008) tripeptide (Glutathione peroxidase and reductase enzymes precursor) molecules to mention the first defenses of the cell own machinery to neutralize free radicals.
Matés (Op. cit) refers that SODs work during the normal functioning of any given cell, but, this is not the case in modern urban homes and diets, air, and general environment quality, meanwhile, Pham-Huy (Op. cit) from Stanford University Medical Center discusses on antioxidant supplementation for health maintenance.
If we were living in an ideal environment without chemical and electromagnetic pollution around us every second, these own antioxidant biomolecules would be enough to achieve better health performances; but it is not the case, and society must counteract and help our own cellular systems with extra caring about avoiding contaminants on food, water, air, textiles, caring on extra supplementary oral and dermal exogen antioxidants sources to help cope the massive sources of free radical our cells are facing at the same time, but also carrying out more and more researches on this field that anyone could name 'antioxidant-omics' or the study of all antioxidants biomolecules and single minerals or elements involved into neutralize the expanded, nowadays, presence of free radicals in every gland, organ, tissue of the human body, putting these organic 'fabrics' on high risk of total failure or lysis, thus major systemic failure could be expected.
It is a question of probabilistics which gland, which organ, or which brain sector is going to accumulate Lead, Aluminium, AMPA (the glyphosate-resistant metabolite), bisphenol, or any of hundreds of pollutants.
How can we detox and recover the cell's normal function, and then systemic well-being? Is this new era of increased occurrences of cancer, autoimmune, mental-behavioral conditions, all sorts of autisms, cardiovascular failures, eyes, and skin problems, e.g. linked to environmental pollution and failure (not coping) of endogenous metabolic controls of free radicals generated by all pollutants, dozens at the same time in every 3 cubic micrometer volume of an average human cell cytoplasm?
Project aims and objectives
During Phase 1, carrying out ecotoxicology essays putting together fishes, pesticides, and different electromagnetic field sources, our specific objective is to understand the effects of electromagnetic fields on free radicals generation (OS) through an expected cell and organelles' membrane permeability that could increase the probabilities of chemical pollutants (in this essay, 3 common pesticides: propamocarb, cypermethrin, and glyphosate, -fungicide, insecticide, and herbicide, respectively-) to enter into the cell protoplasm and enhance the risk for cytotoxic processes to occur.
Our aim during this first phase is to use these results in Phase 2 where we will create a Mathematical Probabilistic Model for OS occurrence for every human cell type under dozens of common chemical pollutants available today in the biosphere, taking into account the affinities of tissues and cell types towards physical-chemical features of every molecule or ion described as a potential hazardous cytotoxic pollutant, using its molecular or atomic weight, size, and electronegativity energy, etc.
The objective of Phase 2 is to set the probabilistic algorithms of the occurrence of OS for every cell type in the human organic systems for each chemical pollutant potentially in contact with any given patient or person. The aim of this Phase 2 is to have an additional diagnostic tool to prevent the possible risk to any human population on the planet taking into account the environment, the metadata available in official reports and scientific publications about air quality, food, and water health surveillance systems, workplace ambient quality, among other key factors.
Phase 3 is the application to avoid the former concepts (free radicals/oxidative stress/ cell failure) into a novel 'BioTherapy' for cancer patients (Children Oncology Center at Cumaná, Sucre, Venezuela) which is going to be designed to provide a quadruple treatment approach to boost the patients' cells health: i) daily antioxidant rich balanced organic diet + ii) daily antioxidant oral organic supplements + iii) weekly organic antioxidant dermal baths + iv) monthly organic antioxidants intravenous injections. The objective of Phase 3 is to measure the expected beneficial effects of the BioTherapy on the well-being of cancer patients under classical therapies (chemo-, radio- or immuno-), thus this BioTherapy is not planned to replace any former therapy but to boost the health, equilibrium and homeostasis of stressed cells of cancer patients. The ultimate aim of this BioTherapy is to provide an innocuous, cheaper, and harmless additional treatment to save more human lives under cancerous stress together with other therapies, and even to help prevent cancer development in risk population groups via prophylactic use of the proposed quadruple treatment together with education on environmental pollution links to cellular diseases in human organs.
Transformative Approaches and Expected Results
Cancer in all its types and fatalities, life quality, and life expectancy is in the first row of public health statistics. Our translational research proposal should give the scientific community a better understanding in everyone of the 3 designed Phases: i) we will obtain a direct output on the measured incidence of various sources of modern electromagnetic fields on the permeability of cells' membranes facing chemical pollutants of different molecular sizes, weights and electronegativities features, and these would come from electric transmission towers near inhabited areas, wifi in houses and cities' streets, mobile phone and satellite signals everywhere, tv and radio antenna waves, and others less spread but existing like gamma, X rays, radioactivity, all investigated alone and also together in different proportions and at the same time of exposure to 3 examples of pollutants (pesticides); ii) we will establish new algorithms to gain a probabilistic mathematical model (predictive) approach on the frequency of occurrence of OS for every type cell in human body systems facing a vast majority of chemical pollutants , using broad metadata available from peers worldwide; iii) we will create an easy new innocuous harmless BioTherapy based on a quadruple treatment affordable in all countries facing cancer unstoppable advances, for which we expect to ameliorate the living standards of cancer patients and of general population also via preventive approaches and health education.
Methodology and scientific approach
During Phase 1 the Ecotoxicological Essays will use the classical mesocosm approach with groups of fish fries (Salmo trutta) in specialized laboratories. Experimental Design is resumed in a table available at
In this table, we will use only the Salmo trutta different stages, exposed to the most commonly used pesticides in the EU like the fungicide Propamocarb, the herbicide Glyphosate, and the insecticide Cypermethrin, using a battery of different concentrations for each pollutant alone, and combining all 3. At the same time, the experimental units (30 liters glass tanks) with the 10 fish groups each, will be exposed to several types of electromagnetic fields like High voltage electric fields, Mobile phones, Microwaves, Bluetooth, Gamma, TV, Satellite, radio waves, and Wi-Fi. We will set a Triplicata Control Units: 3 experimental units without any of the Pesticides and without any of the Electromagnetic fields used (these Control will be in a separate room or lab) and they will be measured at the same endpoints of the battery of tanks.
The EndPoints of this Phase are of 3 kinds: Performance analysis, which includes NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level), LOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level), LC50 (Lethal Concentration in which 50% of fish die), Swimming (behavioral observations, burst swim, equilibrium of floating axis) + Tissues analysis, with direct measurements of glutathione and SOD (Weydert & Cullen, 2010), pH changes, Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (free radicals) as described in Griendling et al. (2016) + Cell analysis: telomeres length (Kelesidis & Schmid, 2017).
Phase 2 is the Construction of a Probabilistic Model Open Program created by algorithms and equations that a complete team of medical doctors together with biologists, ecologists, chemists, physicists, mathematicians, big data engineers, and software programmers are going to feed and design in a 2-year basis work, aimed as a predictive tool to know with better certainty the occurrence of major OS of a given gland, organ or system taking in account the environment on which the patient lives, and patient's age, weight, sex, mass body index, blood type, and genetic group.
First, the medical, chemistry, physics, biology, and ecology team is committed to obtaining all metadata information available for major biosphere pollutants, in a chemical matrix in which are included all heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and pesticides, to obtain a list of hazardous chemicals and their molecular size, molecular or atomic weight and electronegativity levels for each one of the chemical species.
In parallel, life sciences investigators are going to feed a matrix of data including all physical-chemical, genetic expression, and metabolic features of all cells and tissue types found in the human body systems.
With these 2 Big Data Matrices, the Mathematical team is going to build the more appropriate algorithms and equations to predict the probability of OS occurrence in all possible theoretical ways any pollutant can enter and distribute into the human body and its different cell types based on i) the interfaces environment-cell membrane targets: atmospheres-dermal system, food/water- oral/enteric system, atmospheres-respiratory system, atmospheres- mucous (eyes), ii) the blood vessels paths and the lymphatic systems (Deng & Guidoin, 1998), the neuronal systems (brain, eyes, neuro enteric, spinal cord, and somatic nervous systems), and iii) the cell to cell protoplasm communication paths rates (Rossello & David, 2010), all these paths will be added into the mechanisms of distribution and predicts any target cell-tissue accumulation of all pollutants taking in account able to provoke OS and cellular failure linked to many health conditions including cancer.
Finally, Phase 3, will take into account basic endpoints measured by cancer patients of the Pediatric Oncology Center chosen in Cumaná City, Sucre, Venezuela. These endpoints are patients' weight weekly progression, monthly leukograms (Ladas, 2018), monthly psychological general state studies of cancer patients (Li et al., 2011), respiration and heartbeat rates, blood pressure, and body temperature. The whole population of the Pediatric Oncology Center is going to follow the same BioTherapy and its 4 concatenated treatments detailed before, thus to compare with control groups (without the application of our BioTherapy) we will use the same endpoint data from other similar or comparable Pediatric Oncology Centers in a national scale (Venezuela) and in a regional scale (randomly chosen countries from Pan American Health Organization).
We expect better responses on the general health condition, both psychological and organic well-being and functioning of a statistically significant important proportion of the Pediatric Oncology Center under the BioTherapy quadruple treatments, as compared to other Centers with the same cases of cancer and comparable classical treatments (Chemo-, Radio-, Immunotherapies).
Work plan and timeline
Phase 1 of EHCP would take a 1 year round of various Ecotoxicology essays at the University labs contracted, 12 months to carry out up to 10 essays to accomplish all goals required.
Phase 2 and Phase 3 would be 3 years of continuous work in parallel; in the first case an intellectual effort from reviewing, analyzing metadata, and constructing the best possible algorithm capable of explaining the required prediction probabilities of OS occurrence for each cellular type for a majority of principals chemical pollutants; in the second case a methodic, professional, rigorous work at the Pediatric Oncology Centre of Cumaná, carrying out the quadruple treatments of the BioTherapy and recording all data outputs from the selected endpoints under study.
Study limitations and contingency plans
For Phase 1, the main threat that could limit the ecotoxicology study would be not to count with the diploid and triploid fries of Salmo trutta fario specimen.
In such a case, we will use the Zebrafish model (Danio rerio) the ubiquitous species under study in the Ecotoxicology labs at the University of Basque Country contacted (EHU).
For Phase 2, the main threat possibly limiting this Mathematical/Probabilistic/Biological/Physics-Chemical/Programming thinking could be the lack of enough metadata to build the 2 robust matrices we are willing: pollutants & cell types nature. To avoid that risk the contracted scientists for Phase 2 should be able to expand metadata outputs searching via collaborative work of peers worldwide, using published books, papers, and thesis of contrasted quality and academic background.
For Phase 3 we only visionate a unique possible limitation during the quadruple treatment of the BioTherapy: a potential adverse reaction for any of the 4 treatments in at least 1 of the patients under study, In such an almost impossible case, we will drop out the BioTherapy (additional to the chemo-, radio- or immunotherapy that patient would be receiving) in this patient.
Scientific and social relevance
Phase 1: i) it would contribute as the first ecotoxicology essay putting together pesticides and electromagnetics sources together on vertebrate models; ii) the new tool would be a new equation of affected transmembrane transport or diffusion rates of pollutants reaching cytosol via expected distortion of membrane permeability functions under these energetic fields; iii) we could communicate the scientific community and the public, that our actual lifestyle of industrial food systems plus 'smart cities' surrounded by a modern 'electro-magnetosphere' matrix could increase cytotoxicity and enhance more probabilities of health issues linked to cells' health (> 90% of health issues?).
Phase 2: i) only with the primary effort of constructing the metadata matrices for a 'complete' list of chemical pollutants available anywhere in our biosphere, and its physical-chemical, electronegativity features, its different affinities with different cell types' natures, only if we achieve 'just' this and our hypothesis of a possible predictive model for OS occurrence is wrong, thus, the colleagues and peers of our scientific community will have those Matrices and rethink in better ways to get successful models; ii) in the other hand, if we achieve a good predictive model for OS occurrence for any human tissue for any or many pollutants, the model will be open free online to gain new inputs by registered scientists worldwide, these colleagues could repeat the same or similar analysis for others chemical compounds or those not taking in account, so the model would increase its robustness and accuracy for more patients types anywhere in the world.; iii) if this model gets the approval of the scientific community and health agencies, the medical doctors, and health professionals would count on a new scientific app or program online (open free) to be aware of which possible risks are facing their patients based on the age, sex, heredity, genetic group, environmental hazards from air, food, water, textiles, and would have the possibility of cutting such a probability of developing processes of 'in-the-way-to-get-sick' cells, via early warning of pre OS probability in any organ, system of a patient.
Phase 3: i) the innocuous BioTherapy approach will be affordable in poor countries now acquiring new diet and clothing behaviors, and more than a new contribution it would be a recall of classic antioxidant, oxidative stress, free radicals hypothesis and theories from the XX century; not all old knowledge is worthless.
We have found, reflexively, that these facts could be in a significant relationship with modern illnesses like cancer, autoimmune, degenerative diseases, mental/brain damage, vascular failures, e.g., and every cell-related health issue (all?).
The contribution is to help our peers to remember always this knowledge and to take it into account for every disease they are treating today.
ii) as we will describe publicly the exact recipe of organic compounds to use in all 4 treatments of BioTherapy, all peers worldwide could repeat the experiences for medical or veterinary studies.
iii) as is going to become an open source (free use patents) content free available, all organic diets, baths, and supplements it's possible that any society member from any country could become an entrepreneur and decide to offer these products following the frameworks of the WHO, FAO, Codex Alimentarius and ISO quality standards towards its own national society.
Ethical, social, legal, and environmental project implications
We will use fishes as vertebrate models that are only hatched for release in some rivers of Navarre to become prey of fishers a few months later.
Also during the BioTherapy Phase 3, we will certainly apply the quadruple treatments to a given population of children with cancer, that are already receiving classic treatments under medical staff supervision. Treatments are all of organic origin (no pesticides nor pollutants) and it is a balanced diet, a weekly bath with organic herbs' leaves, a supplementation of organic vitamin C and Glutathione from labs registered in the USA or Europe, and monthly liquid antioxidants (innocuous, harmless) injections of vitamin C+ Glutathione diluted in sterile distilled water. If we observe any adverse effect we will suspend the treatment immediately.
Dissemination, social engagement, and knowledge transfer
Besides the reports, we envisage publishing a couple of papers for each of the Phases of this Project in accessible Scientific Journals. Even that, it is our priority aim to transmit all the new content, once proven, to the entire society via internet open pages, social networks, forums, and emails, together with live and video courses and classes of open free access in our regions. All material, videos, and presentations will be able to share it with any researcher or professor, or health professional willing to replicate the project's information and tools in its own country or region in any language.
Cited References, EHCP, LEA Foundation
Copur, M. 2019. State of Cancer Research Around the Globe. Oncology Journal, 33 (5): 181-5.
- Decker, W.; da Silva, R.; Sanabria, M.; Angelo, L.; Guimarães, F.; Burt, B.; & Paust, S. 2017. Cancer Immunotherapy: Historical Perspective of a Clinical Revolution and Emerging Preclinical Animal Models. Frontiers in immunology, 8, 829.
- Deng X., Guidoin R. 1998. Arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels. In: Black J., Hastings G. (eds) Handbook of Biomaterial Properties. Springer, Boston, MA.
DeVita, V., & Edward, C. 2008. A History of Cancer Chemotherapy. Cancer Research, 68:8643-8653.
Ghezzi, P.; Jaquet, V.; Marcucci, F. & Schmidt, H. 2017. The oxidative stress theory of disease: levels of evidence and epistemological aspects. Br J Pharmacol, 174(12): 1784–1796.
- Griendling, K. , Touyz, R., Zweier, J., Dikalov, S., Chilian, W., Chen, Y. 2016. American Heart Association Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences (2016). Measurement of Reactive Oxygen Species, Reactive Nitrogen Species, and Redox-Dependent Signaling in the Cardiovascular System: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation Research, 119(5): 39–75.
Harman, D. 1956. Aging: A Theory Based on Free Radical and Radiation Chemistry. Journal of Gerontology, 11(3): 298–300.
- Kelesidis, T., & Schmid, I. 2017. Assessment of Telomere Length, Phenotype, and DNA Content. Current protocols in cytometry,79: 26.– 29.
- Ladas, E. 2018. Integrative Medicine in Childhood Cancer. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 24: 910-915.
Matés, J. 2000. Effects of antioxidant enzymes in the molecular control of reactive oxygen species toxicology. Toxicology, 153: 83–104.
- Pham-Huy, L.; He, H. & Pham-Huy, C. 2008. Free radicals, antioxidants in disease and health. International journal of biomedical science: IJBS, 4(2): 89–96.
Rossello, R. & David, H. 2010. Cell communication and tissue engineering. Communicative & integrative biology, 3(1): 53–56.
Weydert, C. & Cullen, J. 2010. Measurement of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase in cultured cells and tissue. Nature protocols. 5: 51-66.
Proposal Title: Easy Healthy Cells Project
Proposal Description: A translational triple research to investigate i) the role of electromagnetic fields on Oxidative Stress (OS) enhancement, ii) to configure a model to predict OS, and iii) proposing a new Biotherapy to cope with OS.
Proposal Acronym: EHCP
Project Leader: Dr. Mikel De Elguezabal, biologist
Host Organization: Asociación Civil Fundación Luís Elguezabal Aristizabal, LEA
Faculty or Research Center: Department of Biology, Universidad de Oriente, Cumaná, Sucre, Venezuela.
Thematic Area of project: Oncology
Classification of the proposal: Clinical, Translational
Discipline best classifying the proposal: Diagnostic tools, therapies, and public health.
Eukaryotic Cells, Substance-Related Disorders, Cell Physiological Phenomena; Environmental Illness, Enzymes, Therapeutics, Tissues, Clinical Decision-Making.
Personnel: 219,000.00
Personnel Comments: Mikel de Elguezabal (ad honoren), biologist, supervising all 3 Phases of EHCP Coordinating and executing Phase 1. Metadata research for Phase 2 together with LEA Foundation Staff. Clinical Trials of Phase 3 together with LEA Foundation staff and collaborative health professionals participation. Dr. Isabel Chávez, pediatrician; Dr. Gregorio Martínez, Chemist; Dr. Edgard Márquez, Chemist, and Dr. Elizabeth Méndez, ecologist. Doctoral thesis students are to be hired at all 3 phases of the study.
Travel: 9,000.00
Travel Comments: 3 visits to the Pediatric Oncology Centre of Cumaná, Venezuela.
Equipment: 100,000.00
Equipment Comments: Equipment for Pediatric Oncology Centre for Phase 3 of the study, and computers for calculations for Phase 2.
Consumables: 100,000.00
Consumables Comments: Supplements, treatments, and organic food for Phase 3 at Pediatric Oncology Centre. Software for Phase 2.
Publications: 5,000.00
Publications Comments: Editing and Publishing services
Dissemination and social engagement activities: 10,000.00
Dissemination and social engagement activities Comments: Communication for Public Campaigns on EHCP outputs.
Other Direct Costs: 5,000.00
Other Direct Costs Comments: Contingency funds for Phase 3
Indirect Costs: maximum 10% of Direct Costs: 500.00
Indirect Costs Comments: Contingency funds for Phase 3
Subcontracting Audits: 20,000.00
Subcontracting Audits Comments: External audit for budget control during all 3 Phases of EHCP
Other Subcontracting: 30,000.00
Other Subcontracting Comments: Extra nursing and medical personnel for Phase 3.
Total Requested: 498,500.00
The Host Organization is a Non-profit Research Organization.
I declare that the results of the project are not subject to rights, of any nature, held by for-profit organizations; and that the project does not evaluate the efficacy or safety of products, therapies, medical devices, or diagnostic systems of for-profit organizations.
This proposal complies with ethical principles (including the highest standards of research integrity —as set out, for instance, in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity — and including, in particular, avoiding fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other research misconduct).
Asociación Civil Fundación Dr. Luís Elguezabal Aristizabal, LEA
Project Leader
Full Name: Mikel De Elguezabal
Project Leader and PL's Team. Relevance in relation to the Proposal
As a biologist, I always have in mind to do good with my experiences and knowledge in a non-profit view. I believe that our Proposal, as is backed by several doctors and scientists with more scientific production and experience than me, can be a breakthrough new concept in the Health system of any country and scalable to the planet by the Internet. I feel attracted to every living form or biological species, I am fascinated with cell-perfect functions and the way they cope to deal with pollutants these days. But maybe it is time to help the cell a little bit.
That's why we designed EHCP!
EHCP Team:
Phase 1:
-Dr., Biologist, Ecologist, Oceanographer, Mikel de Elguezabal, and contracted laboratory of EHU (Basque Country U.)
Phase 2:
-Dr. Gregorio Martínez, Chemist, Geochemist, Oceanographer (expert in heavy metals), UDO, Venezuela
-Dr. Edgar Márquez, Chemist (expert in organic compounds and metabolites, structural chemical modeling), UNINORTE, Colombia
Phase 3:
- Dr. Isabel Chaves Pinto, Pediatrician (specialized in Nutrition), UCV, Venezuela.
- Dr. Elizabeth Méndez Rodulfo, Ecologist (specialized in coastal environments), UDO, Venezuela.
*Special Note*
As I have no previous related research similar to the present proposal, I am being honest that this is a deductive hypothesis based on my academic experience and 15 years at my private firm on Food Quality, Analysis, and Training Services, at #A6Labs SME. I have been inspired and motivated looking at the global pandemic of children with cancer due to environmental pollution (avoidable!) and lack of information on a proper diet with higher organic, biological, and ecological food, and higher levels of antioxidants (both actions affordable).
PhD Thesis Instituto Oceanográfico de Venezuela & Vigo University.
M.Sc., France, Université de Montpellier II
M.Sc., Spain, Universidad Pública de Navarra
Biologist, Venezuela, Universidad de Oriente
The Future Book where we need health scientists to participate in each chapter:
Our Hypotheses
How Emerged Life in Paleo World
The Cell, a Brief History of Life
From Medicine Men and Herbalists to Physicians and Biologists
Non Organic new neighbors of precious cells: pesticides, electromagnetic, heavy metals, e.g.
Oxidative Stress, O.S.
Pollution as the main OS enhancer
Types of stresses and OS
Modern spread illness
Occurrence of OS in all tissues of each organ and system
List of Diseases, Illnesses, and disorders possibly linked to OS: (chapters) = individual papers for journals!
Brain and Nervous System
Child Development
Pediatric issues Psychiatric & Psychological patterns, conditions, types
Buccal Apparatus
Heart and Circulatory System
Digestive System
Lungs and Respiratory System
Auditive System
Popular Knowledge related to OS: fatigue, pain, cellulitis, inflammation, liquid retention
How to avoid OS: BioEcOrganic diets & supplementary nutrients, vitamins, minerals
How to cope with OS: Antioxidants, endogenous and exogenous
EHCP Biotherapies, the proposed investigation to fund with our own new #EcoLabel for food businesses worldwide: @bioecorganic (1 $/month)(More info at
Extra Positive Behavior: better oxygenation and hydration of body cells. Avoid 'overdoses of sugars, salts', smoking, drugs, alcohol, and sedentarism.
The #EasyHealthyCellsProject overview.
Main Researches of Project Leader
Plankton Ecology in Cariaco Gulf linked to environmental Stresses
Fish Reproductive Ecology related to environmental stress and physiological fitness, Doctoral Thesis, IOV (The overall fitness of any biological species is strongly linked to an appropriate homeostasis at the physiological level, and nutrition is a principal factor -quantity & quality- to trigger adequate or inadequate biological functions).
GMP on Food Quality & Handling, Book. (Not only microbial poisoning, or chemical pollutants during food processing meant to become objects of risk analysis in food health, but we include chemical hazards such as pesticides, hormones, and heavy metals, e.g., during food production: crops, animal feeding, as an extra hazardous source to take in account)
Egura Project, Water, and Energy. (Lack of proper water access to human populations is linked to bad health and disease, not only for hygiene but for hydration of the human body, organs - tissues, and cells- via oxidative stress produced by hydric stress).
Lethal Effects of 3 common pesticides on Salmo trutta fario fries, M.Sc Agrobiology, UPNA. (The common/ultimate 'mode of action' of pesticides on fungi, insects, or weeds is to provoke an
uncontrollable oxidative stress that 'kills' the undesired organism in crops and cattle management)
Ecological effects of rainwater on the microbial food web, M.Sc., Ecology, UM2 (rain, as air, or soil are ecological sources of nutrients for all ecosystems, but also channels for modern chemical pollutants affecting all sorts of species, from bacteria to human beings).
Queridos lectores, ciudadanos navarros, comparto una preocupación social y una propuesta para gobiernos, universidades y ONG's.
Aparecen en Diario de Noticias del 28/11/17 tres noticias que nos dejan preocupadísimos: i) red WiFi en el futuro de cada centro educativo (Pág. 9), ii) el glifosato omnipresente hasta 2022 (Pág. 14), o iii) 'relacionan infartos con contaminación del aire' (Pág. 15).
Hace pocas semanas subí a uno de nuestros blogs un post sobre el tema salud, y la contaminación de agua, aire, alimentos, quizás exacerbado por la contaminación electromagnética que estresa de manera multifactorial cada una de nuestras apreciadas células y tejidos, órganos, el organismo humano.
Ahora nuestra hija estudia en un centro educativo que está al lado de una mega Antena repetidora de radio y tv. El glifosato y otros agroquímicos se pueden estar aplicando en la cuenca de Pamplona en niveles que desconozco (quién lo sabe?, son publicables esos datos? ), la calidad del aire que respiramos es proporcional al número de coches que se venden a diario en cada ciudad 'occidental'.
Los alimentos, a no ser que sean orgánicos~biológicos~ecológicos (un pelín menos baratos que los de agricultura y ganadería química) también son fuente diaria de 'exposición' a contaminantes químicos y 'bioquímicos', que parecen estar vinculados, como todos los tipos de estrés, al estrés celular que destruye membranas biológicas y organelos, núcleo y ADN en una a una de las millones de células (expandiéndose como un 'cáncer' a células vecinas...) de nuestras decenas de distintos tejidos y los órganos que éstos conforman, y vincularse a la mayoría de afecciones y enfermedades o condiciones de salud que nos afectan desde las últimas décadas y que se acrecienta con las tecnologías modernas.
Para no hacer más larga este aviso de navegantes para familias amorosas de seres humanos únicos, comparto y espero que este medio mencione, los blogs donde alertamos informal pero seriamente este riesgo para todos, donde proponemos un proyecto de investigación que quise desarrollar en un doctorado ambiental local y no se pudo por falta de tutor.
El proyecto busca respuestas de indicadores como estrés Oxidativo, pH, mortalidad, performance del nado, entre otros, utilizando peces alevines, juveniles, adultos, incluso huevos, embriones y larvas y combinar en múltiples peceras controladas los agroquímicos más comunes aplicados en la UE, propamocarb (fungicida), glifosato (herbicida) y cipermetrina (insecticida), en baterías de concentración ascendente, desde una pecera 'control' sin agroquímicos ni contaminación electromagnética. Y es que estudiando la ecotoxicología aislada de cada químico separadamente, no es la realidad a la que estamos expuestos (decenas de agroquímicos! ) y un puñado de distintas fuentes electromagnéticas: ondas de TV, de radio, de microondas, satélites, WiFi, torres eléctricas, teléfonos, Bluetooth, y para ciertos oficios sumar rayos X, gamma, radiactividad. ...
El proyecto busca respuestas de indicadores como estrés Oxidativo, pH, mortalidad, performance del nado, entre otros, utilizando peces alevines, juveniles, adultos, incluso huevos, embriones y larvas y combinar en múltiples peceras controladas los agroquímicos más comunes aplicados en la UE, propamocarb (fungicida), glifosato (herbicida) y cipermetrina (insecticida), en baterías de concentración ascendente, desde una pecera 'control' sin agroquímicos ni contaminación electromagnética. Y es que estudiando la ecotoxicología aislada de cada químico separadamente, no es la realidad a la que estamos expuestos (decenas de agroquímicos! ) y un puñado de distintas fuentes electromagnéticas: ondas de TV, de radio, de microondas, satélites, WiFi, torres eléctricas, teléfonos, Bluetooth, y para ciertos oficios sumar rayos X, gamma, radiactividad. ...
Debemos hacer algo Navarra
Eskarrik asko
Biólogo, Dr. Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez
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