

Aim of @bioecorganic private #EcoLabel based on Trust & Reputation :

Inspired by the Natural Economy (Market is the Human Ecosystem), the fruit of Natural Law, Natural Liberty, Natural Rights to  Freedom, Life and the constant search for Happiness, we want to do good rapidly in our Planet, our Biodiversity, and overall, our Human species and its different cultures.

It is our Will to initiate a shift towards an almost 100% offer of #bioecorganic diet to all sisters and brothers on all continents, all ages, taking care of their cells, every one of them.

Our approach is very easy: i) increase your uptake of food, and nutrients, without harmful pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, hormones, antibiotics,  and all chemical hazards that might be present in our daily food; ii) increase your daily uptake of  #AntiOxidants within these foods, your family diet, daily, be sure that your nutrition has both of these two features, no chemical hazards, rich in antioxidants!


 Chemical hazards in diet items lead to Oxidative Stress, provoked by #FreeRadicals like reactive species os Oxygen or Nitrogen, produced inside the cell, the tiny ocean of the cytoplasm.

These chemical species, destroy every biomolecule they get in contact with, lipids, proteins, DNA, RNA, and be free 'floating' in the cytoplasm or static at membranes of organelles, nuclei, or cell membrane itself. This destruction of cell material leads to chain reactions within neighbor cells, thus causing tissue damage.

Name any type of cell! Skin cells, brain cells, liver, kidney, bones, and heart, all are possible targets, by a pure random process of distribution of pollutants from the digestive system to blood irrigation, reaching, and accumulating any of dozens of types of pollutants you and your family are exposed due to your daily preferences in diet, and also where do you live, and also the genetic factor.

The main genetic factor we envision is this. It is possible that there are no 'cancer genes', or 'Alzehimer genes', etc., but it is known that all living Creatures, from bacteria to whales, have Cells as the basic Life block, they all have the same genes to produce endogenous proper Antioxidants, self-made kamikaze biomolecules that are meant to neutralize the reactive species, the free radicals, that are harming, mining as trojans, causing the OS common to all Kingdoms of Life Tree.

Some families got more copies of these genes to produce more own antioxidants: .antioxidant enzymes (active 3D proteins, nanotools) – glutathione peroxidase, catalases, or superoxide dismutase (SOD) and more, linked to the presence of Glutathione, Alpha-lipoic acid, Coenzyme Q, Ferritin, Uric acid, Bilirubin, Metallothioneine, L-carnitine or Melatonin in our cells.

Because some families are not aware of the perils of bad food, together with a bad environment (air, water, electromagnetic fields of all sources nowadays increasing exponentially), and, if the random genetic laws did not give your family enough production of endogenous antioxidants, that is when you have to increase your daily uptake of food rich in antioxidants, and also I recommend to take  #bioecorganic Plants' based supplements for vitamin C, E, glutathione, Q10, minerals (Zn, Ca, Mg..) etc.

That is why we dream of more entrepreneurs, hundreds of them, in every nation, to follow our views, to produce food with the @bioecorganic label by Prof. Mikel de Elguezabal, Ph.D., biologist, and ecologist.

How will work the global network of @bioecorganic labeled food?

We are not against government ecolabels, we only know that it is expensive in time and money for new and small entrepreneurs to start with this kind of label.

We propose an easy and robust way to produce safe food, good food, and drinks for your market made of human beings full of cells of all sorts.

If you want to put in your products, '@bioecorganic project labeled', you only rely on your own reputation and the trust of your market, local, regional, or national. Your name, your family name is in front of this entrepreneurship, right?

Are you able to harm your reputation for 2 or 3 generations? I mean, you said that you do not use herbicides, vermicides, fungicides, etc in your crops, or you do not buy raw materials and ingredients for your food product from providers using regular agronomics manners?

What if this is a lie, is not true? You lost the reputation and the @bioecorganic label?

It is about commitment to the truth, it is respect for our human family, saving our environment from pollution, and enhancing biodiversity in agrosystems and ecosystems.

How can we get to know if you cheated on your clients and  @bioecorganic? 

Your market and your own clients will be surveilled randomly I mean, they do not have any responsibility, but, if spontaneously some persons take videos of your crop receiving herbicide treatment (I smell it when they applied near my town), or some citizens founds some quotes or bills that your small enterprise is buying non-ecolabel ingredients to prepare your own food products, supposed to be @bioecorganic? Also, our own networks will carry out random sampling at the markets, and check for common chemical pollutants that could indicate some kind of deviation in the compromise of not using pesticides, and other chemical hazards in your processes.

Do you want to be on our open list?

Why you could use the @bioecoganic label in your new starting entrepreneurship?

i) I use my own reputation, dignity, and knowledge to defend these views I mention in this project

ii) 90% of the potential profit of global partners will fund this research project : 

iii) It is only 1 euro each month if you want to be a partner and team of this global initiative until you can afford a government ecolabel, and even after that if you feel good with our philosophy.

Being all these statements and information my responsibility, I assume all knowledge is free and open, available to anyone with the will to help humankind to cope cell health pandemics we are generating with chemical pollution in food, air, water, soils...

Prof. Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo, PhD., Biologust, Ecologist, 73492846a

@bioecoganic Asoc. Civil & Foundation LEA, Erratzu, Baztan, NEA & Cumaná, Sucre.

November, 4th, 2023


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