@bioecorganic Project is a moral will from our LEA Foundation, to try to cope with the worst pandemics in human history, just ahead and nowadays: cellular illness and failure caused by environmental pollution
Our environment is not only the landscape you see in the surroundings of your urban centers.
It is all that is in contact with your body cells, be the air entering your lungs, touching your skin, the textiles you wear, the food you eat, and 'touching' our digestive system organs, tissues, and its cells, then the molecules that enter to our bloodstream...
It is not naïve to recall, always, the safety and security of what we eat daily. Not only the accidental harm caused by bad microbes or possible chemical hazards occurring in our modern food industries.
Today's food production could harbor dozens of chemical risks, inherent to the production itself, like pesticides, hormones, dioxins, hydrocarbons, and heavy metals.
Our #BioEcOrganic projects signal an easy and key 'old' concept to ameliorate our health through our hundreds of millions of cells' health... Oxidative Stress is caused by Free Radicals like the Reactive Species of Oxygen and Nitrogen, at the same time enhanced by different sources of cellular stress, mainly chemical stress (pollutants molecules: pesticides, dioxins, e.g.) but not the only ones.
Also, stresses like thermic (excess heat), aerobic stress (hypoxia, sedentarism, respiratory diseases, e.g.), hydric stress (poor access to clean water, bad nutrition habits - excess salts, sugars-, smoking*), and surely several other types of stress for our precious tiny cells, that could not escape these dangers, and we have to take care of them.
We will focus mainly on promoting better nutrition to avoid most of the chemical stress entering our bodies throughout our mouths. Also, we will recall better habits to avoid aerobic and hydric stresses, very easy to cope with some changes with a strong will.
Shortly, to cope with OS caused by our modern nutrition, we should carry out these 2 simple issues: i) increase our daily intake of antioxidants (vitamin C, E, Glutathione, Q10, some positive minerals), and ii) decrease the presence of pollutants in our daily nutrition.
i) just start with good nutrition supplements, like multivitamins and minerals tablets, and pills, if these come from a @bioecorganic source the better! ask your local health actors (medics, pharmacies) and transmit this call, to achieve the drift towards a market taking care of this open knowledge, more nutrients with antioxidative action to help our cells to cope with pollution causing almost all health issues today in our world society. Our cells come with endogenous biochemical artillery to battle these OS starters, but, imagine the level of pollution we are exposed to (air, water, food, textiles, bad habits) It is almost a miracle being typing these words of Hope and Future for you...
ii) just start to buy more and more food items within the eco-labels your country surely has now. That is the future now, all or almost all possible food items produced with environmental respect, not contaminating the soils, air, rivers, etc., but also not harming our body cells, which also shows 'tiny skins' called cell membranes, with nanopores, and some degrees of permeability to many different sizes of molecules, innocuous or harmful.
If the market players feel this consumer's shift, as they do today, but with more urgency still, soon we will not have 'food deserts' in our neighborhoods.
Why do we propose almost free our @bioecorganic labels and marks to new Food Biz around the world?
We understand that getting official ecolabels could be expensive and hard to get, tedious, bureaucratic, and even traumatic for non-patient persons.
We just want to inform the new Food Biz entrepreneurs, be a young farmer couple, a group of friends cooperating in a new food workshop, SME, Restaurant, Patisserie, wine or oil new or old business... you all can help our neighbors to get better health, so more chances to be happy, and enjoy natural liberty as Gift of Life.
If you get our @bioecorganic labels logo, mark, and contract, you can start now using your most precious value and capital, your Reputation, and ours too
The commitment is that you start with our #BioEcOrganic labels, meanwhile, you start soon with the long and expensive process of the official eco-label for your markets. Once you get it from your government, you might choose to stop using our @bioecorganic label project, or not.
We believe, that this easy movement, could start a new real 'green revolution' based on our well-being, both body, mind (and Spirit) for many people looking for the Liberty of being virtuous entrepreneurs and for thousands of persons accessing to better food items in local and regional markets.
We will sustain our @bioecorganic system based on mutual respect, recognition, responsibility, trust, and goodwill, to do the right thing.
How? If your Food Biz says to the market, publicly, openly, and frankly that is offering products without pesticides, dioxins, or heavy metals, because you are growing your crops or cattle with environmental standards, without abuse of antibiotics, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, nematicides, e.g.,. or if your cookie factory in that downtown street is using only organic wheat flour, organic, butter, etc., we will trust it. But, if we receive significant reports from your clients/customers, that you actually do not use organic ingredients on your cakes, pizzas, or whatever, or, in fact, you are applying glyphosate to your cereal fields this season (anyone walking by, would smell it right away, and take photos to the attach to the private report)
We use the framework of the Austrian School, based on individual and subjective knowledge, the defense of natural liberty (being responsible), and entrepreneurship as a way to get freedom, happiness, and a better future. Reputation and Knowledge are two of your main Capital goods. So Capitalize it, Capito? use your head...
Sincerely yours,
Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo, Biol., Ecol. PhD., Food Science Expert
Navarre, NEA EuroRegion
FoodBiz 1$/month
Ecolabels 1$/month
We just want to try to start a global shift towards a better healthy human cell well-being!
That's why we put 1$, a symbolic value... to spread this hope for a better future.
You only have to follow and promise a true commitment that you will sign in our 'Sheldon-type' private contract!
Based on our reputations, morals, ethics, responsibility, and respecting life, liberty, and happiness for all our sisters and brothers in your region or city.../
You could be able to use not only my @bioecorganic easy ecolabel and its derivatives, but also all my business ideas' names, marks, and logos, which I will post in my blogs and you would want to use it within its values and features.
#ANDSKafe #ANDSBooks (Coffee & Bookshops)
#OikoEtxea (organic wheat flour workshop)
#LEAFoodLabs (Training & Research, Business Kitchens)
#OringO (Pret-a-porter services in your neighborhoods)
#LaBasqueLibre (Restaurant) and its Menu
#GorostiBerria (Cafeteria) and its Menu
#A6Labs (free food handling courses for your Food business, also my free ebook on GMP for Food Business -Printable-, an invitation to join our A6 Labs networks 90/10%, yes, 90 % for you, 10% for A6 Labs, of potential profit on future live or online courses you could offer in our LEA Academia.
#MikeElguezabalMéndez (with my short signature and photo backing your businesses)
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